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5.0 out of 5 stars The country folk language isn't really my cup of tea, but we all know how really good tea is for us.

No not the typical genre I read, but then what drew me to this book, and I'm being totally honest was that my Aunt wrote it. What kept me interested was a compelling story, a strong willed heroine, and the beauty and ease with which it was told. I'm not one to do recaps of a story but the angst, turmoil and desire to break free from the horror that was her life with such grace, determination, bravery and careful calculation leave one with a positive feeling after reading this book. I'll also add that I read a lot. Since October around 70 and many have been written by bestselling authors. Even in those I find numerous typos or editing issues, which I find very annoying and distracting. I didn't see a thing wrong. Nothing at all. Whoever Aunt Jan has editing her books is worth their weight in gold. Thank you for that. So do I recommend her book? Well absolutely I recommend it and am proud to do so in more ways than one.

Tammy H. Green 
Thursday, July 10, 2014

4.0 out of 5 stars Mountain Mystery Recalls Times of Involuntary Sterilization, Prejudice Against Cherokee.

The villain, Cleo, told Zola Marie his wife was dead. Then he burned down her house and brought her and her daughter, Shug, to live in his isolated mountain home with his two young sons.
Shug delivered her little siblings there. Her foraging in the woods to find food and pick herbs is a literary appreciation of mountain lore and the descriptions of seasons will kindle memories to delight anyone who has lived in the mountains.
When Cleo fraudulently admits Shug to the state institution for the mentally ill, no one believes her story about her real name or the circumstances under which she was admitted. She discovers that the operations for appendicitis are actually sterilization procedures, performed by a doctor pictured shaking hands with Hitler, and a process approved by Oliver Wendel Holmes.
Shug's struggles to educate herself and the recognition of her promise by one of the staff doctors will strike a chord in any woman who fought for her education.
Many examples of brave, heroic women shine in the book. One of the most fascinating minor characters is the old woman, Enid, who tells Shug that she must return to the institution to fulfill her destiny.
I had to read the entire book, start to finish, because it was so captivating.

Peg Russell  
Thursday, July 10, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars The real deal.

Having read Raincrow, I trusted Hamilton Queen's sense of place knowledge of mountain lore and myths, and her storytelling ability enough to know that I would enjoy The Dagger In The Cup. It's authentic.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars Get ready to stay up late!

Honestly, I am totally tired, having pushed bedtime way beyond my limit every recent night because I just couldn't put this book down. Then I just HAD to finish reading the final pages in the car on a major traffic clogged interstate highway while my husband drove us to work in the morning. The descriptions are so vivid that I felt I was there in the mountains myself. I'd love to see this as a movie.....but perhaps I would feel I had already seen it! Great writing, great story!!

Donna J Paoli 
Thursday, July 10, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars Thrilling Read.

JB Hamilton Queen knows how to transport the reader into her stories. Raincrow was one of my favorites and with Dagger in the Cup, she's done it again. This author knows the backwoods of Kentucky and constantly surprises the reader with her knowledge of medicinal herbs and folklore. Shug's sense of right, wrong and justice make her a heroine to recon with. She never backs down from adversity. This is a book you won't want to put it down.

Nadja Bernitt 
Thursday, July 10, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Book.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Very descriptive book, love books like this, they inspire your spirit. Lovely to read. Thank you.

Roy Queen 
Thursday, July 10, 2014

I love reading your stories. Also I miss spending time with you and Hugh.

Tom Johnson, South Carolina
Saturday, February 22, 2014

I've enjoyed reading your books so much...can
hardly wait for the next one!

gwen buchanan, Alabama
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

You are a wonderful writer. I love your stories.

Tami, Florida
Friday, October 25, 2013

Thanks for your phone call this evening....it led me to check you out on the internet. It quickly led me to your "ghost" story. I liked the genuine quality of your story telling. Story telling is becoming a lost art with our "techie" times and the quick brief communications.

When I have more time, I will revisit your site as I look forward to reading your writing.

Betty Hamilton, Florida
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

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Published Works:
Imminent Reprisal
Sweet Gums
Masters of the Breed
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